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11–12 MAY 2019




If you are looking for more inspiration, and want to build confidence and skills as a jazz dancer in a friendly, supportive environment, this workshop is for you! 

See them in action: Strictly Lindy and Classic


<<...they were some of the best teachers I ever had class with!>> ~workshop attendee



Laughing in Rhythm workshops offer a special format  –  in addition to providing high quality Lindy and Solo Jazz classes from award-winning instructors, all teachers will be available to give personal feedback and answer your questions during the training times.

Are you ready to join us and upgrade your dance? 

  • Two Main Lindy + Solo Tracks

    • "Intensive Basics"(All-Levels)

    • "Shooting Stars" (Int+ and up)

  • Over 7hrs of instruction, training, and personal feedback per track

  • Two All-levels Special Topics classes (included with any Full Pass)

  • Two levels of Solo Jazz

  • Personal feedback/training time, in a small group environment.

  • Improvising, creativity, and self-expression in social dancing​

  • Solid technique and movement training for both roles, stronger follow focus than traditional classes

  • Facebook


Swingspiration Studio (Körtestr 10, Hinterhof, 2e, Kreuzberg 10967)

La Caminada Tanzstudio (Böckhstraße 21, 10967)

Hayal Tanzstudio (Körtestr 10, same building as Swingspiration, 1e)

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Schedule Info

About the Classes

"Intensive Basics" (All Levels/Beg-Int+)
Revamp your basics and discover your potential with Smiltys and Martyna's training. No matter what your level from Beginner to Advanced, you will benefit from this track. (You should already know how to dance)


  • Footwork, Flow, and Frame

  • Super Swingouts and Sugar Pushes

  • Rhythm Toolbox

  • Look Good, Feel Good

  • Includes one Solo Jazz class of your choice, training time, and both Special Topics classes

Special Topics (All Levels):

  • Partner stealing in Lindy Hop  (super fun!)

  • Jam Circles and how to shine in the spotlight

"Shooting Stars" (Int+ and up)

A more traditional Int+ level track where Martyna and Smiltys will challenge you with their favorite moves and concepts.


  • Shining as a Follower, Listening as a Leader

  • Spice up your Rhythm and fall into your Flow

  • How to train more effectively

  • Out-of-the-box Moves (Favorites of Martyna and Smiltys!)

  • Includes one Solo Jazz class of your choice, training time, and both Special Topics classes

We developed the schedule so that you can even take both tracks - so far this is the most popular option!

Still have questions? Just write us a message by email or FB! or


Pass Options



Includes: All classes during the weekend including Special Topics classes, both Solo Jazz classes, and training time. You may choose which classes you want to attend and make your own schedule.


FULL PASS - INTENSIVE BASICS (All - Levels) (110€/100€)

Includes: 4hrs of Intensive Basics classes, one Solo Jazz Class, both Special Topics classes and training time.



(Intermediate Level & higher) 

Includes: 4hrs of Shooting Stars classes, one Solo Jazz Class, both Special Topics classes and training time.


Both Open and Advanced Solo Jazz classes



Includes: All classes on a single day. You may make your own schedule.


Includes: 4 hours of Lindy classes during the weekend, and both Special Topics classes. No Solo Jazz or training time.



Includes: 2 hours of Lindy Classes, and pick one or both Special Topics classes. No Solo Jazz or training time.


ONE CLASS PASS (18/15€ erm.)

Includes: One Hour of any level Lindy or Special Topic Class. 15€ each for Special Topics. Make your own schedule!



Includes: Either the Open Level (Saturday) or Advanced Level (Sunday) class.



Includes: All classes of one track during the weekend + both solo jazz + both Special Topics classes.


Since she was a child she was full of energy and her parents knew it shouldn’t be wasted without a purpose. At the age of 6 Martyna joined rhythmic gymnastics classes, but after 8 determined years she felt she hadn’t found herself yet. With her sister's encouragement, Martyna decided to try Lindy Hop. After her first lesson she couldn’t stop dancing! With a huge smile on her face Martyna continued and since then she has won several Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz competitions, performed in different scenes for amazing audiences, and created a few noticeable routines. Martyna states, “Now I fully enjoy teaching Lindy Hop and can easily say – I just can’t imagine my life without the Dance.”




Your teachers are excited to help you fall even more in love with Lindy after this weekend, so come prepared to train hard, dance hard, and have a ton of fun! 


Thanks to his parents, Smiltys has been familiar with jazz music since the day he was born! At the age of just 4 years old he started acting in theatre, and after several years, playing saxophone and contemporary dance became his hobbies as well. After graduating, Smiltys found out about Swing dancing, and since then there was no turning back! Many classes, various competitions and international festivals later, he discovered that the dynamic between the thrill of competitions and the chill of social dancing, is what motivates him to dance. Known for his technique, variety of uncommon move combinations and attention to the connection, Smiltys tries to inspire and enrich his students with the history, musicality and small details that matter the most!



SwingStep - Lange Nacht des Lindy Hop

  Theater 28

Prinzenallee 33, 13359 

22:00 - 2:00Uhr   

12€ Entrance, Instructor Performance

(S-bahn Bornholmer Str, M13/50 Tram, U8-Pankstr)


Swing Session @ Savoy Club

mit Jacky's Jar Jam

Werkstatt der Kulturen

Wissmannstraße 32, 12049

21:30 - 1:00Uhr 

11€/10€ erm (See event for pre-sale)

(Car/Bike parking available)


Bellmer Balboa

Revaler Str. 99, 10245

20:00 until late


Donation Basis for the DJ


Level Descriptions

Still not sure? Drop us a line at:

BEG to BEG/INT: You have been swing dancing for at least 6mo to 1 year, you are taking at least one weekly class at the Beginner or Beg/Int Level and go social dancing frequently. You are familiar with the basics such as the Swing-out, Lindy circle, 6 count basics and tuck turns, and side by side Charleston. You want to know more about the culture of the dance, learn more about the rhythmical language, and see the bigger picture of this art form.  You may be strong technically in your basics, but need more time to pick up new material in class, and are still learning to improvise.

​INT+ to INT/ADV: You have been dancing for at least 2.5 years and are confident, technically knowledgable and fairly fluent in the rhythmical language around the dance form. You learn quickly in classes and want to be challenged rhythmically, technically, and tempo wise.  You want more ways to visually embody the music and 'play' in the dance.  Competitions might be a goal for you.  Dancing is your lifestyle now and you are a strong social dancer.


Little Lenox Corner Workshops

Workshop Terms and Conditions:

Please read them carefully, and make sure you've understood them fully before you sign up!  Hiermit meldest du dich verbindlich an.  

By signing up you hereby bound to your registration.



Cancellation by the Customer: in case of discontinuance, refusal, or cancellation on behalf of the customer, we cannot provide any refunds. If you cancel up to 5 days before the event, we charge 50% of the fee, unless you can find someone to take your place. Bei einer Abmeldung bis zu fünf Tagen vor Termin berechnen wir 50 % der Gebühr, ausser du bietest Ersatz an.
Bei nicht erfolgter Abmeldung und Nichterscheinen deinerseits ist die gesamte Gebühr fällig. Danke für dein Verständnis!

Cancellation by the Event: You will receive a full refund.



We accept no liability with regards to loss or theft of personal belongings during the workshop. The same goes for physical injury and related costs. Please keep both yourself and your stuff safe!

Thank you for your understanding!!

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